
By wonderlust

Old Bottle

So continuing with my theme for this week, I chose this old bottle as my subject, but this isn't just any old bottle - it is special to me. It is from a company called Paramount Beverages that was once located in Ashland, Wisconsin. But that doesn't make it special.

I am originally from a little town across the Chequamegon Bay from Ashland called Washburn. My husband's family has a private beach on the Lake (Superior) and whenever we can, my husband and I love to spend days at the beach, preferably when its warm enough outside to go into the lake (which are few and far between in Northern Wisconsin). There is always something new to explore and discover. One day I was wading in the water scoping out rocks for my husband's breakwall which is always in the development stage and I came across this bottle. We were surprised to find it completely intact with no damage. This bottle set us a new exploring mission.

Fast forward a couple of years and we are discussing our marriage ceremony with the official who would be conducting it. He mentioned a ceremony that was much like the lighting of a unity candle, but instead of candles, we would each fill up a container with sand from a place of our choosing. During the ceremony we would pour our sand together into a new container from which we could never separate one another's sand ever again thus being forever united. I choose this bottle to pour my sand from. What did we choose to pour our collective sand into? That's a blip for another day.

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