
Days like today are worth forgetting. In getting out of bed this morning I damn near cracked my head on the wardrobe. That was the highlight. It went down steadily from there. Nothing went right. I even managed to miss a meeting I had been very much looking forward to. The less said about that the better.

Aaaanyway. Eptas, in responding to MY challenge had more or less challenged me back with a picture of Marston's Pedigree. Naturally I had to do my darndest to find some for one of my "Brit Beer" reviews. Inevitably, in keeping with the rest of contemporary events, Dan Murphy's didn't have any .... of course they didn't.

I DID manage to find some Marston's "Oyster Stout" however, which, as I sit safely ensconced in my study chair, I am enjoying thoroughly. The bottle top says "Marston's ... Official Beer of England". Naturally enough there is a temptation to compare it with a certain Irish brew. I tell you that I'd have to have a sample of both right in front of me before I'd dare to describe the difference. Suffice to say that after a day like today .... it's going down REAL well.

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