
By Stace91

The Millennium Tree

I met my brother over at the hospital today. On the grounds we sometimes sit by this tree, I decided today I would read what it was all about.

This Australian Teak tree and a capsule below the ground were planted by Gough Whitlam (Prime Minister of Australia 1972-1975) at the turn of the millennium. With Prime Minister Whitlams commitment and drive the university hospital campus was established.

They were planted in front of the representatives of the burramattagal people, the traditional owners of the land.

Nan was moved today to the rehabilitation ward and she even stood up today with little assistance from the physiotherapist. I almost cried I was so happy!!

My brother Danny is staying with me for a few days, we had Chinese for dinner and we are now watching tv but are both finding it hard to keep our eyes open...Another big day tomorrow followed by another rehearsal.

I hope you're all well, sorry I have not checked in with you all as much as I was... I will be back to my normal self soon.

Sleepy time she comes zzzzz

Much love,

Stacy xx

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