A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

Surf's up...

This really sums up today. For the third day in a row we headed to Vazon to catch the surf. It was great today, the beach was full of would-be surfers. The surf school was doing a roaring trade. The Arts Commission group were on the beach holding an impromptu dance class too. All round there were loads of interesting things to blip. But I plumped for this photo of Charlie running into the sea to catch yet another wave. For me it just captures the enthusiasm both boys had. And it makes me think about and be grateful for the fact that they are growing up in such a lovely place.
It has been another beautiful day here. Long may it continue. We are heading off to Sark tomorrow for a few days, so with a bit of luck I'll have some great shots to share. :-)

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