
By astudyinscarlet

the other ones

the first set of lilies having finished, i bethought myself to buy another potful on seeing them reduced in homebase. no idea what colour they were, other than orange, red or yellow (they were still tight buds), and tho i'd have liked the red the yellow is proving very useful in brightening the garden.

attacked the laurels by the fence today - they now look like bushes again, rather than trees trying to escape thru to next door. also found what i think is a quince buried under said laurels, plus two pots which are now filled with carrot seed. and i even weeded the gravelly bit! three binliners of rubbish, sore arms and back, but you can definitely see a difference. still lots to be done, but it's handy therapy and helps offset the growling annoyance of non-communication...

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