
I (Annie) was at work today in the very lovely Edinburgh. Sadly, with a seven hour meeting taking up most of my day I didn't get to actually enjoy any of this beautiful city. A shame, as the Fringe is currently on, in all its madness. I'd also liked to have connected up with the very lovely fellow blipper Viv, who is currently working for the same company - but alas, she was in a different building and there was no escaping to meet. Another time.

For me (Chris) it was great to have daughters Immy and Rosie here this evening after their holiday in Portugal. We've missed them.

I (Annie) flew back this evening on a delayed flight, finally finishing my working day and travel at 11pm. As I was waiting in Edinburgh airport, this message (on the blip) caught my eye written on a wall. I liked the sentiment, and it tied in with the way I started my day, considering the thought-provoking blips posted recently by KendallIsHere. This blip is therefore dedicated to her - for a journal full of thoughts that have the power to make me smile, cry or stop me in my tracks and ponder the world.

Make a lasting impression.

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