Rockin' the skirt

So I've been sewing. Not as much as I planned on doing, but a bit of this and that. I made this skirt several days ago, out of a pair of jeans that were too short and some old fabric I had on hand. I am sad to report that Sugar's least favorite color in the world is PINK. Poor girl....I make her a fun and sassy skirt in a color she doesn't like, but honestly....she loves the skirt. She has lots of pink hand me down shirts from her cousins, so will get a ton of wear out of it. I wasn't sure if she really did like it until I saw her wearing it....and her attitude was full of fun and frills. She felt splendid in the new skirt and couldn't wait to show it off at daycare while I was at work.

PS. Back blipped a bug!

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