
By CatHerder

Cat sitting, Day 4

This is my alarm clock.
This is the snooze function.
Busy day.
The white cat vanished before I could pill him and did not turn up until after lunch. He was well out of range of the tracker.
Obviously the owners have been given up for dead and so after lunch I was presented with a dead mouse.
His head looked like it had been down a hole all morning.
Within the next four hours I removed one dead mouse from the above cat and rescued two live ones from the white cat, hopefully they are still alive.
This could explain why I've not had to top up the dry food.
Now bees.
I was at the back of the bird table looking for the white cat when I noticed a bee on the flowers. Then I noticed the 26+ other bees on the flowers. There were so many is was foolish to try to count them all.
There were gray and light yellow ones, black and yellow, white tailed and one big red tailed.
Some were the length of my finger nail, others the length of my thumb nail (I'm more used to these ones at home) and two the length of the top half of my thumb. We are speaking about 1.25 inches here.
I have not seen so many in one place at one time before and certainly not so many types.
Owners arrived home to the dismay of cats who had pinned their flag to the new flagpole.
Left them to it.
Great to see mine again. My lap was occupied all night.

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