
By Marychristine16


At art this afternoon we continued with the portrait packets. The weather was windy and rainy so the class was small. We dipped into a store of lollipops that was waiting for just such an opportunity.
Today's task was to colour the packets with dye and then to collage around the portrait with at least 5 things that each child liked.
Rivaldo, who would like to be a policeman when he grows up, selected a nice house, car and house boat. Frenswill told me that he liked the pink writing in the magazine and wanted that to be on his package. I know that he cannot read.
This is what the pink writing says
"Never ridicule their anxiety - acknowledge it and ask what would help. That helps the child to feel that he or she has the power to solve the problem"
He also chose a double bed and a few rugby players, Bryan Habana being his favourite.
Next week we will fold the packets and make woolen handles.

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