Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

I've been very bussy today...

I used to use Flickr for some 'photo management' but I've found since their fiddling (improvements) earlier in the year that it's far too slow and in my opinion it's become user unfriendly. On top of that I'm not sure if I can trust them with my images, there seems to be a million and one loopholes in their seemingly ever-changing terms and conditions. Life's too short to have to read them every time they make a tweak to the small print. You can bet your life whenever they do it's in their favour and not mine. Rant over.

I once used a site called Fotopic for all my transport images - mainly buses - but it went bust (npi) taking my 12,000+ images with it (I retrieved some after a 6 month whinge!) I changed to a site called Smugmug. At first it was fairly straightforward, even dull and inflexible so I didn't do a lot with it but this month it's had a makeover and it's fantastic!

Spent all day updating my old site and adding more pics and bells and whistles. So my Blip showing what I did today is a shot of my new website about buses around the world. If you want to take a look it's here but I warn you, it's addictive. LOL!

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