Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Scarborough: wall of water...x

The blue moon, reached its peak this evening. The ebb and flow of the tide exaggerated itself even more than in previous days. The pull, way way out. A plug ,or bung somewhere removed, the water flushing out, draining away. . The rising tide pushed curling currents, swirling depths, as if there were a tap filling it at speed from some where not known to our human eyes.

The sea, more cheeky today. She lay so still for several waves, then when a back turned, she threw up a wall of water at an unsuspecting victim. The same wave, rolled away, bobbing over the next....

She had been calm as a millpond all day. Dad and I greeted her at 5.30am. The sunrise glistening (See Here)

I sent the sunrise picture to Look North, the weather man used it on TV. It's also on Welcome to Yorkshire , and promoting Scarborough. I'd like to think the picture helps people see Scarborough the way Dad and I see it. We love the Sea x

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