And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


This is so wonderful it truly is it made my day. I was walking Ash on his final walk of the day and I noticed a little bunch of flowers on the wall. I thought how strange I noticed a note with it so I read it. If you zoom in you might be able to see. In brief it said these flowers need adopting, can you please let us know where they end up... They were from a florists in Scarb jasmines :) they have a FB page and asked who ever it was to post on there so I did tonight with a photo of course :) They were really grateful but not as grateful as I was :) They was a sour point though it was rush hour traffic and a young teenager driving a boy racer car shouted FAT PIG at me...... he was on his own too I found this really strange as they normally do that when there showing off. Anyway he wasn't going to beat my mood.

Mum and Will came for there anniversary meal tonight and cake it was a toss up of this blip and a cake blip suppose I could always blip the cake tomoz.

Anyway I told mum about the guy shouting out the window at me she said it better not stop you going out claire. I said it wont mum she looked surprised, she said if that had happened before I wouldn't have gone out for months she was right I wouldnt. But my confidence has grown as you guys no well. I just thought to myself the amount of people, strangers that smile at me say hello makes up for that NOB HEAD.......

love c x x x

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