
By RaceyTrace333

Had a lovely day

Started with having my hair done. Which I am pleased with.

I then went over my friends, and we went out to Maldon Promenade and had lunch at The Queens Head. It was lovely sitting outside. I had haddock and cjips, and it was absolutely delicious!

We then had a walk round on the promenade and then headed off via Tiptree. We stopped at Wilkin & Sons (Tiptree Jam), made a couple of purchases from the shop, and then was really naughty and had a cream tea. Naughty but nice!

We then headed for home and my friend said lets go to B&M at Harwich. So round we turned and off we went, brought a few nice things. There wss a nice miniture chaise lounge bery tempted ss great for studio. Might go back and get one later in the week. Was struggling for room in car.

Then back to my friends and we spent the evening in her garden having a few drinks and sorting out a few of her purchases out.

Hope you are all having a week as good as me.

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