Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Got the opportunity to take some pix earlier this week after finishing my shift and today I was told by the nursing-home manager that she had a 'bad news report' to tell me...
Not because of the pix (they were welcome I learned) but because they consider me not a fully qualified nurse; ofcourse I'm not, it's been 30 years since I worked as a RMN and they knew I'd come to train to get back my skills for nursing the psycho geriatics.

But the teammanager & head of the nursing home think I do not make my progress as fully qualified nurse quick enough; I'd told them I do not expect to be back as fully qualified within 3 months as I do need training and guidance before administring medication and so, but from my initial day onwards I was approached by nurse trainees for guiding them in care of wounds and so... Then I asked how come they come towards me for such help; I'd come to train in these myself again. Ointments, bandages etc. I could give, but no way that I would inject a diabetic without being supervised myself at first; silly introduction of me by the supervisors themselves and now they show me out. They had no complaints about my empathy and nursing practise to the patients at all, but they told me I'm just not working efficiently enough yet!
I'd expected such an excuse more or less as I was a welcome nursing aid during holiday times (I did not cost them a penny as I'd come as a trainee and my unemployment payment was continued by the office). At least I've picked up a lot of my skills again and half of the nursing staff at the ward consider my work and contributions so different from them in charge ~ also patients and their relatives regret that I go. But that's how it is; no job offer for me and I'd suspected this outcome right from the start ~ cheap aid during holiday times. So I must apply anew like in the start of this year. At least I do not to get up tomorrow at 6 and out of home at 6.45
- I'd been scheduled till September 1st but being told off I decided not to continue, so tomorrow I'll return the nursing costume

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