l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Lovely Lovers

I had my ears pierced twice since I was in fifth grade... Or sixth. And for a while now I have wanted to get them pierced a third time and then one on top too. So finally I got to! I was so excited!

So now I have the bottom three on both sides and then the top fourth one only on the right side (the side you can see.) I loooove it:D
Oh, and what I find weird is that everyone told me that getting the top one pierced hurts like a girl dog, but it didn't. It felt the same as the bottom ones did! Hm, weird(:

Well, thank you so much Daddy for letting me do this! And thank you Mama for taking me and being okay with me doing it. I love you both(:

I hope all of you Blippers had a great day! I know I did(:

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