West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Golden Rays

I didn't manage a shot in the city, my planned shot was not to be... flat battery!!!

Dad was in charge of the twins tonight, mum off to a meeting, so the choice bikes on the cycle path or explore on the beach, surprise surprise, the beach won hands down, I was quietly pleased, a walk by our river, just missing my friend. The twins charged off to explore as I ambled along enjoying the the warmth of a late summer evening a very slight breeze. Tonight the seals and the herons were absent, we had the beach to ourselves and the twins were in their element, when I called them to turn for home they came running, panting, smiling and with a trove, they had found 24 golf balls!!!! They insisted in bringing them home and with pockets bulging we headed for the car, the sun arcing away, ever westward, taking her bow as another day draws to a close.

I suspect the river and the sunsets may be predictable and uninteresting and I apologise for not being more inspired in recent times but all too soon the nights will be black and the weather closing in to make the shots of our river difficult and as this place is special to me and I shoot her for my friend I hope you will indulge me for a little while longer

Viewed in large you will see the luft cranes Crane Clouds different weather but still just as imposing, I hope you enjoy the shot wherever you are tonight and best viewed large!

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