Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


Today is a long day. I'm hopeful it has been beneficial though. A day of networking, workshops, presentations and in the evening- fun. These are the peg people I created for a game on one of the evening stalls. I think everyone will agree that my time in Brownies and Guides was well spent.

During the serious part of the day Acronymphomania delivered a workshop on mental health campaigning with me which seemed to go really well. I've had good feedback since so good job and thank you very much!

For those of you wondering (I know there will be many), my tongue is very sore. Very cut and very sore. I was actually told to go and take painkillers because it looked so bruised and cut and sore. You couldn't make it up!

I am exhausted. Is it normal to take this long to get over jet lag and climbing a volcano?

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