Trying to cross the road!

This helpful traffic cop stops the traffic for us to cross the road. Otherwise it's a game of dodgems to get across!

I'm not sure if I've tinkered with the picture too much. I altered the saturation, contrast and sharpness ever so slightly but would welcome suggestions or tips to improve the quality. I decided to leave the red-eyes too. Otherwise the black blobs would have looked silly.

Off to Delhi tomorrow, so getting up at stupid o'clock for the early flight and then Agra on Sat. You can guess the blip for Saturday already can't you?! Daily Post is coming too. I'm not blipping competing with him though - he'll beat me hands down on composition and stuff. There are 9 of us in total - quite the tour group. Got a mini-bus and all..... Back on Sunday so will blip then! Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend y'all!

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