Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Parrot Party

The Parrot Party, arranged by the clinic of my avian vet drs. Peter Bastiaansen was a great succes. The information is quite familiar for me but you still here some new things. Peter did a reading about why and when you have to come to the clinic with your bird and about the most common diseases, Iris Jonk did a very good and informative reading about a parrot's diet and my friend Barbara Vuister is an avian behaviourist, told a lot about the parrots behaviour, how you can try to handle it and what to do with negative behaviour (which we - bird owners - think it is negative and that is the truth!). Home late, taking care of the birds... of course some short cuddle time with 'Ollie Bollie' and now doing a bit of facebook ... otherwise I can't sleep. ROFLOL.

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