The slow road

I was woken this morning at 7 a.m. by a little face that said, “Mimi, I can’t play with you today, I have to see my friends.” My eyes focused and I realized it was my granddaughter leaving for the sitter’s today. We are working out a schedule of part time daycare and part time ‘Mimi care’ and today I had a much needed day of exercise/spa/lunch with my sister.
I was up and making coffee when I realized it was so dark outside. Then I saw a flash and seconds later, the thunder rumbled. It was a bad storm and still raining when I left the house.
My Blip is my car mirror while I was sitting in traffic due to all the construction going on all over the state. It seems wherever I go lately there is roadwork being done. In New Jersey, the traffic is always bad as you can see here. The lanes going in the opposite direction are just everyday rush hour traffic. Usually lasting from 4-7 p.m.
Eventually I arrived down near the beach and had a good workout in the hotel gym before going upstairs to the spa for an amazing organic facial. I actually jumped at one point because I had fallen asleep and heard myself make a noise (snort)! I guess I was relaxed.
Afterwards a lunch in the very nice beach town where I found this shop and liked the old-fashioned general store look of the place. On the way back home, the sky was clearing up nicely and I liked how this clock tower stood out against the sky with the storm clouds moving out to sea.

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