
By covet

Veten venture

Tomorrow the weather will be better, they say. Tomorrow it will be sun.

I think the Norwegians are eternally optimistic, especially those who write the weather reports. But indeed - the gods of sunshine are smiling down on us today - what a change it makes to have clear skies and the sun shining bright! After days of rain, I can finally wear my sandals, and this makes me happy. But I must wait - no sandals until the hard work is done - after we have hiked up Veten, the highest mountain (fjalle!) in bergen area. We climb it via the old post road, which ran between Trondheim and Bergen - the route took 8 or 9 days to walk, back in the day. Or 9-10 days, depending if you are reading the Norwegian story board, or the English translation. Either way, that's a long walk. And we got a little bit lost on our hike - it took a few hours longer than expected, meaning we were just a little bit late for dinner. Nonetheless we reach our destination - greeted by a smiley dog, a warm welcome and a cold Hansa - and we relax.

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