
By samsticks

Breaking Free

I was really pleased to find out that my shot of a thistle has gone into the second round of a photo competition. It's the first I've ever entered, so even if I don't win I'm really chuffed! :)

The Little Goblin pushed out a tooth today as well - that might explain why he's been particularly troublesome at night this week (aside from jetlag, of course). In typical Miles fashion, he doesn't like to follow the trend and it's one of the top side teeth (instead of the more common bottom middle). He does like to do things his own way that boy!

Anyway, today's shot is for the second round of the photo competition - the topic is 'break free'. I've been meaning to try one of these drop shots for a while now. It was actually easier than I expected, and I ended up with more potentials that I thought I would. This one is far from perfect (I used a bit of paper that was pink on the back.. it got wet and made the whole scene a little darker than I wanted), but it'll do. Supposedly it's the shot that's already won that goes against this week's winner, so it doesn't really matter either way!

Weekend Ho! Hope that all's well in Blipland!

Edit: I've edited the image to an uncropped one that still has some of the upside-down writing at the bottom.... I showed the shot to a mate and he just thought that I'd photoshopped the writing onto the drop... I didn't - the writing was refracting IN the drop... it's all about timing!

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