Leaving Soon

Facing the Fray

he's leaving soon, I know it
flying into the face of danger
buffeting winds
winging over cities, vast rivers of light
with nights never rising
searching for stars dazzling the darkness
to show him the way.

This is not selective color, I fooled with it a bit, lightening shadows a bit in iPhoto,, but the color is his and his alone. I have been pondering the lack of darkness after being blanketed by blackness and a billion stars while we were way Down East in Maine. Falling nightly from below into the wonder of that is the Milky Way, I was transfixed and dazzled. A poem has been swirling around about the lack of darkness for a bit, in my head. We still have billions of stars visible here, but it's not as it was in my childhood and the night sky is getting brighter, not darker every year. We see fewer and fewer distant and weaker stars. What are the birds to do without stars to navigate by? What of the children who never see the Milky Way? It moves me to tears, their pluck and our folly.

For the Record,
This day came in cooler with dropping humidity and increasing clouds.

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