
By SNDavies

We've been having occasional visits for the last few months from a sad looking cat that is extremely shy & has a messy, unkempt coat. He's gradually become accustomed to Craig as he often eats his lunch outside in the sunshine when working from home. Craig thinks he's a stray and today he was at the back of the garden so we decided to put some food out for him.

He's nervous and isn't used to me so he ran away when I appeared but stayed on the wall, then made his way over to it as soon as I walked far enough away. I then went back out and topped it up again. Then Craig went out and stayed out, leaning on the wall nearby. He wasn't sure of that, so it took him about 5 minute but he did get up the courage to go over and eat it again. He ate the entire tin of tuna so he must have been pretty hungry! I stayed inside & tried to watch as surreptitiously as I could!

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