Clinic #3

I've been to the big hospital in Stoke on Trent today to see my lovely heart Consultant and after the most frustrating time getting there (new cats eyes and white line painting to start with, then a bad accident which resulted in road closure and diversion); eventually arriving at the hospital and trying to find a parking place, the very long walk to Clinic #3, right at the end of this corridor, my blood pressure rising, an ECG, the waiting time to see him (his clinic had gone to pot he said); and an even worse journey back to work (would you believe those white line painters are now on the diversion road??)', but now I'm over the moon to say....... that after 6 years of operations and PROCEDURES and constant tooing and frooing for out-patient appointments ............ I've been discharged!!

TGIF, Tiffany & Lily will be here after just one more sleep - and then there's a long weekend - Have a good one.

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