The day to start is today

By Traci

“Fairy tales are more than true:

not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

Well I don't normally even really acknowledge the fact it is my birthday. Just a number getting bigger each year. On the odd occasion i have to work it out to see what that number is, as I decided years ago age is just a state of mind, and my mind is a complete state, so forget the numbers and just concentrate on enjoying - no matter how many.

I always remember having to have my birthday tucked away in the summer holidays didn't help with my lack of enthusiasm- although for a few years it coincided with our yearly Guide camp and I ended up with the best cakes ever made by my then Brown Owl so that was always a plus. Maybe that was partly why I enjoyed my last evening celebrations with a camp cookout under the stars surrounded by the best of friends - brought back happy memories of way too many years ago.

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