The Seasons Changing!

Various contributors to blip have mentioned recently that change is in the air! Some have noted the dew that forms as soon as the sunsets, others the darker evenings . What I have noted as the end of summer is the change in the Robins song in the morning as I feed the dogs. In spring his song is bold and boastful ( mating rights are in the air ) for summer its more clicks and peeps to warn his mate and offspring that the dogs and I are out and about! Now his song is melancholic, like a small stream tumbling down from the moor or crags ! My mark that summer is over, enforced by the number of the above that are looking to take cover in the house every night!
Rain was forecast for this afternoon but at 22.30 it still has not shown! Last night there was flooding with in 15 miles of here again not a drop! We are now stopped as all our storage space is full of spring or winter barley ( the grain merchant having not kept his word to keep us served with bulkers ) so no room to cut the wheat crop!!
Looking like a day/weekend off due to either the weather or the lack of storage! Hope you all have a good weekend ;¬)

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