Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Scarborough: Peace and Light.

This is the day that marks the start of a year long journey.

Ten years ago, I put the camera down, blinded by the complexity of life. Since I as a child, I had always had a camera in my hand, or a pencil before that. Then art college, then degrees, then exhibitions, then teaching, practising, teaching.... Absorbing, meeting talented people, absorbing the detail of others. Then stop.

'The stop' occurs for most people at some point in their lives, I realise that now. I realise that 'The stop' is also part of life's journey. When everything has to stop, and a whole new world has to be learnt, that's not entirely bad thing. I say this in retrospect, you understand. At the time, you think you have lost your world, and of course you have.

My Dad is always a source of good advice, " imagine you are standing on a river bank, watch your worries flow down stream, focus on the detail of the beautiful things that are still there in that view, the twinkling of the light, the colours, the detail " The beautiful things stay with you, the negative has gone down stream, let it go, because it doesn't belong in the picture".

The interesting part your gaining a new journey, the old life or passion never leaves you. That I think, that was your old light, quietly burning away inside, like a pilot light that never went out. Picking up the camera again has been like meeting my old friend, in a new refreshing light. New values, a new life, with the pilot light burning bright. X

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