Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Wheelchair Waltz

"Boys" will play on anything with wheels, and dogs will dance with anyone who is willing. Grown Boy + wheelchair + doggie = wheelchair waltz

This was the scene at the end of another successful Estate Sale day (note: there is a lot of space in the garage ...and in the A delightful gentleman from the neighborhood dropped by with his dog, Stormy, to see if we had the fishing poles left, and stayed for a visit. Just before their arrival, Mr. Contraptioneer decided to wheel around the garage a bit, in the old wheelchair.

Naturally, Stormy was happy to hop up for a scratch behind the ears, and upon impact, the wheelchair began rolling backward (wheels not locked) and the dog walked forward and the two rolled to the back of the garage together, cute as could be!

We've had a wee bit of interest in the china painting supplies, a few interested in talking with us tomorrow about it. We only need one china painter...just one. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!

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