
By mollymay49


I wasn't going to publish another Australian bird blip for the rest of the Challenge! But this one today filled the Topic and was too "tempting not to publish" so apologies!
We drove into the hills our usual destination for a Saturday, today though we took the Mazda for a spin top down and we felt free as a bird!
We arrived at Mundaring weir an hours drive away, to check out the water levels in the dam and a picnic, both very satisfying (that was a previous topic wasn't it?!)
This "Port Lincoln Parrot" more commonly known as the "Ring Neck Parrot" but nicknamed "The Twenty Eight Parrot" for its call, which sounds like its crying "twenty eight".
The Indigenous Australians (the Noongar people) would call it the Dalmoorluk believing their camp was safe from evil spirits if one was around and they would only hunt them if the food was scarce as a last resort.
This cheeky fellow watched us eating we put out a piece of bread on the table the temptation was too great for him! He swooped in and ate the piece there and then perched on the edge of the table, Glyn continued feeding him small pieces from his hand until the Maggies caught sight and then they were out numbered! But the Maggies didn't get anything! Scavengers!!
It was a beautiful day in down town Perth for sure today. 25c and a light breeze perfect!

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