We did a hike 0f about 17 km today....
After a good breakfast we went up to the Genkeltalsperre, a waterstorage reservoir.
Mostly these are used for generating power, so I thought it would be interesting.
This one however, is only used to collect and store fresh water!
That's why there was no activity at all over there.
After this one, we did a small hike at the other side of the road, at small peninsula in the Agertalsperre, there were row- and sailing ships. That one is used to generate water power. The reason was that there should be a restaurant but no... that was closed some years ago. Our information provided by the hotel was not correct....
So after that we went back to the hotel and fetch some (good) Krombacher Beer!
And: we have splendid weather!!
Better in LARGE...
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