Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

A difficult day

There are a few basic necessities that we take for granted such as electricity and water and you forget how important they are until you lose them. Today, we lost water for about 8 hours and it was painful. The problem was due to a water tank used to hold well water that had sprung a leak. The leaking water became so bad that we had to turn off the water. As it was, we had a ton of water, but thanks to the sump pump and our wet/dry vacs, we were able to contain it. Fortunately, the faulty tank was replaced this evening and so things are back to normal.

I had big ideas for a special blip field trip today, but unfortunately, it was cut short by the panicked call from Mrs TMG. In the end, I had to find a blip near my house, and this strong shadow caught my eye.

I chose this shot because I love the strong shadow. It was late in the day and the sun was going down which resulted in this dark and detailed shadow. I thought that the contrast of the shadow, the vine and the brick walkway was interesting. I purposefully chose a large aperture to create a shallow DoF and am really happy with how this shot came out.

Post processing
No photoshop here -- the image is straight from the camera

Constructive criticism always welcome

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