Just the Withers......

By JaneW

We have a new haunt ...

In town ... Hoorays.... It's an ice cream parlour / coffee shop and its awesome ! Tits McGee and her children (Joss pictured) and myself and Mr W with Eve and Lucy went to test it out ... It's a local business which I feel it is important to support and the ice cream is made on the premises .
So I hear through the grapevine lots of locals are griping and saying its expensive ...for Christ sakes what the Hell is wrong with people .... The bloody residents BITCH like crazy at empty shops and BITCH when something is in there .... Shut the hell up ... It's no more sodding expensive than anywhere else for an ice cream sundae ... Unless of course the moaners want something for nothing ... Knobs.
We were delighted with the service and the taste and the prices were what you expect .... And that is that.

Two dog walks and no misbehaving ..... Some steam cleaning ..... A little bit of ironing and blahhhh de blahhhhh ....

Flora and Mia are house guests this evening..
Mia and Lucy are wearing peel off face masks ...
I have nothing else to report .......

PS Tits McGee and I are shopping tomorrow .... She is to buy me a toaster for the camping expedition ......

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