
By Helwild

Camera School - Module 5

Can you guess what we've got to do for this module? I must admit I've been struggling with finding a subject for the brief. I need to "fill the frame with an interesting natural or man-made pattern or texture that works in black & white".

So I've been rolling around the hall floor and trying to see if the old tiles would inspire - I don't feel inspired, just a bit cold and stiff from lying on the floor for the last half hour!

If anyone of you out there were expecting a shot from London, as I'd promised yesterday, then I'm sorry it's been delayed. All my own fault - I'd book my train tickets for next weekend - thinking it was the Bank Holiday. Felt a bit of a twit, as I had to apologise to my fellow blipper, who I was going to meet, that I'd made a mistake. Anyway, it's still on for next Saturday. I should have checked my ticket when I picked it up a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I checked last night. It would have been really embarrassing to have turned up at the railway station this morning (at 7:50am) and realised I'd got the wrong Saturday!

Today has been a day in with the laptop. Re-booking my Sebastiao Salgado ticket for next Saturday, organising my photos as I was running out of space on the laptop, (don't worry they're also backed up on a remote hard drive), booking a photography holiday with a "well-known company in Keswick" for next March/April and sorting out all my Bristol photos to produce a holiday photobook. I should have a RSI by now!

I must get out of the house tomorrow!!!!

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