40 Shades of green!

Well the morning began somewhat sedate (I should have known better)
Come the afternoon, the neighbour across the road called in to ask if I would take him down to the local Freemason Lodge as they were celebrating their 125th anniversary and they were all gathering to have a march through the town and he wanted to leave the car at home as he intended on having a good time! They (the Masons) also wanted me to do their offical photos. So I ran him down (not literally) then got a whole heap of photos, then I attended the local Catholic church fete, so I went from photographing Masons to photographing lamas at the church fete! there is some sort of hidden message there but Im dammed if I can find it!
After that I had to run #1 son to Inveraray so we had dinner in the George then back up the road when hubby & I then decided to go for a forrest walk.
Finally back sitting with a stiff dram. Who said weekends were for relaxing.!
Happy blipping all

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