Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

More than this

Eco daughter was so excited this morning as Hiliary the farmer had some jobs for her. She was up, washed and fed by 8.30 to meet Hiliary. she was helping out with the horses.

Eco gran decided to hang around and relax so Eco mum and myself headed to for an afternoon out. We headed south to the Ferry for a day in Cromarty. First stop was Hugh Miller's cottage, he was some man.

Then to the bakery for some very fine gingerbread. We walked around being tourists and just enoyed the fine weather. A quick cup of tea and some cakes and off to the ferry.

We were amused watching the cars coming off as the turntable was broken to the people had to reverse off, just about lost a car over the pier.

Got back to the cottage and my friend had turned up for a couple of days, one of his university mates is the local minister.

My pal and I went for a woodland stroll above Tain, made it to the top of a non descript bog and moorland that had a trig pint at 321 metres.

Took the wrong path on way down so I ran back up the road to get the car.

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