Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Rather think I've over egged the pudding with this shot of The Royal Pump Room, something less vivid can be seen here, including the best place to get Coffee Ice Cream or so m'lady tells me (a £1.50 cone = 5 minuets peace & quiet). whilst she scoffed I took the opportunity of photographing the building, strange that I've lived in Harrogate (or very near it) for the past 25 years but I've yet to step inside to have a look inside this grand place. The Royal Pump Room sits over the Old Sulphur Well, with the current building designed by Isaac Shutt. Finished in 1842, it was the first project of the newly formed Improvement Commissioners, whose aim was to provide a suitable building to house the sulphur well. The pump room was purposefully stopped at the start of World War II, and was subsequently decommissioned after the cessation of hostilities. Renovated as a museum and opened in 1953, today owned and operated by Harrogate Borough Council as a museum. It is no longer possible to sample the waters inside, or from a pump outside due to a February 2012 EU directive which found the chemical composition of the water to be unacceptable for human consumption.

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