
By Ikol

Good, long day today. Went into Fort Worth with Jamie and met her youngest sister for the first time (she's delightful); snapped this picture as we walked back from Uno's Pizza. Jamie thought we must have looked like tourists, with me snapping pictures of every mildly interesting building. Went to Barnes and Noble, and bought a choose-your-own-adventure zombie book. It is glorious.

Read for my class this week in the afternoon, and then rather spontaneously decided to drag my dad to the theater to see "You're Next." The movie was surprisingly good, but it was also just fun to get some one-on-one time with my dad.

I'm already starting to feel the limitations of my phone's camera. Earlier today I was snapping a picture of a spider when a fly flew into its web. The spider immediately scurried over to the fly and began preparing it to be eaten; it was a great photo opportunity, but all of my images turned out blurry and indistinct, despite my best efforts. Too bad. Maybe someday when I'm rich, I'll buy myself a real camera -- but today is not that day :P

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