Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Beth chatto's gardens


We've been to a wildlife fun day at Beth Chatto's gardens today with our friends. It's been a good day. It started off rough - Master Pink was challenging the boundaries again and so we ended up being there an hour late, and Mummy was a bit stressed! All the kids went a bit crazy for an hour or so, so we called it lunch 0'clock fairly early on. Wehad a picnic in the carpark, amongst the trees and with Wasps as company. But after lunch everyone was a lot more relaxed and happy, and we did lots more activities. throughout the gardens were several wildlife organisations each with an activity or two to do. The Mini Pinks had fun making beeswax candles, dissecting owl pellets, making stick dragonflies and making badges. We also collected up lots of leaflets and stickers!!
We finished off with a pot of tea and some cake in the tea rooms. And a go in the lucky dip!

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