barking mad!

By mcd3

City to Surf ...again!

Cant believe its the 9th year that I have done it! Perfect day in that it was cloudy with a wee sprinkling of rain. My usual run/walk/inhaler but got there in the end! Piccy of Andy and his pal Sam ...they were going to run together ...but Andy felt the need to move it at 4km ....very proud of him. Mr McD picked us up (he was devastated not to be doing it as he has a footy/soccer injury and was eager to see where he would come in the next age bracket 50 -59!!) then up to Sam's Mum & Dads for a great fry up and a cuppa! perfect .....(my old legs seem to have faired better than the young un's!) We shall see/feel tomorrow!

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