Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The end of a very nice holiday

But the start of a ferry ride that Diana is not looking forward to. Despite being like a mill pond, you can tell from this shot that she is apprehensive.

Several hours later, sitting at home, I'm happy to say that the crossing was good and we kept Diana distracted by playing Greed so even she had an ok crossing.

I'm just downloading the pictures from the cameras. First job will be to delete the useless ones of which there are clearly a few and then I will set about editing the good ones for printing (Diana still likes to hold a photo in her hand). This will be a big job as I still have the pictures from France. I estimate there are at least 750 pictures to go through.

On the scales tomorrow to see how much weight I have put on. France was 4lbs but this feels worse. I am giving myself 2 weeks to get back to my acceptable maximum. Let's see if I can do it.

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