Figuring it out

When going away is more or less a weekly event, the packing takes care of itself. But after reading on Facebook about a friend darn sarf who urgently had to get a new passport for a trip to Chicago, because his and his wife's were completely lost, and after remembering that I too had almost had a mishap with my passport, having taken it accidentally on holiday to Shetland and then having forgotten, when we got back, to get it out of the 'safe place' in one of my bags until just the other day, I thought I should take a more structured approach today.

This isn't quite everything for a two day trip to Malmo (via Copenhagen airport and the Oresund bridge) for a conference, as the tablet is still charging, but it's pretty much everything. Going out on Easyjet (but back on BMI) means everything needs to be ram-able into one bag for the purposes of getting on the aeroplane. And no, lest you think I read porn whilst I'm away from Mr A, nothing could be further from the truth. That's a copy of Sex and Buildings, published by Reaktion Books, by my dear friend Richard J Williams. Possibly the most confessional presentation of it is to be found here.

Meanwhile, Mr A is staying home, and keeping the home fires burning. Almost literally, as he's just baked bread to remind me why I need to come back and also to feed my niece and her husband who are staying with us for a few days whilst enjoying the last few days of the Fringe.

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