The sun has got his hat on.

Early start today, Charlotte was shouting dadda at 5:30!
Chilled in our bed until 6:00 and then we watched Sarah and duck.
Got up and had breakfast and then back to bed for morning sleep. Daddy had a beer to many last night so was suffering this morning, heard Charlotte cry out and thought she had just woken up, went and got her up, end of morning sleep, only 40 minutes! Oops!

Headed out to Seaton to get the tram. Was lovely, if a bit blowy. Drinks and food at the other end, then headed back. Went into the massive Tesco that has been built since I last visited, it was hideous, so busy.

Home, Charlotte was asleep within minutes once in the car. She was so asleep I managed to get her out of the car, into the house and up the stairs into bed without her stirring. She then slept for two hours. I made the fatal mistake of lying on the bed, 1 1/2 hours later I awoke.

We then walked down to the beach (10 minutes stroll from the house), beautiful beach, lovely cafe that did Pimms jugs and amazing prawn and crab sandwiches. After an exceedingly late lunch for the adults we went onto the beach. Charlotte loved playing with the stones and also seeing all the doggies about.

Happy x

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