Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

That's My Girl Bingo

We've been out all day. It started off absolutely horrible with pouring rain but by lunchtime the sun popped its head out thankfully.

I've had one of those days when every photo I took just didn't go right, so I actually decided I'd not bother blipping today. Hubby was totally astonished at this, but there you go! (His comment was "I thought you were going to do 365 continuous blips before you stop?").

I was sitting in the garden having a chilled glass of water (sorry that was a lie, it was white wine) when my faithful friend turned up. She wandered over to me and I went to get her biscuits and, of course, the camera.

She ate 6 custard creams and didn't seem to be bothered about having any more. She strolled up the garden and just sat down ...... my evening blip.

Apparently we're in for sunshine all day tomorrow so I'm hoping to get my blip mojo back up and running.

Enjoy your evening everyone. xxx

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