West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Drawing to a Close

It has been a beautiful day, the twins were skating early, the coaching still great fun and exciting for them they are learning without realising they are being taught and having fun doing it. Dad not so much, my session was nothing short of atrocious, since the hand injury I have been a little more conservative, I never lose my confidence but today for whatever reason I was dreadful.

I pottered away this afternoon, the twins played away contentedly, with a poor forecast for the rest of the week after Tuesday I had presupposed that the river would be the choice AGAIN!!! a setting sun on the far hill always different always beautiful but having caught the luffing cranes in the far distance last week I thought I would try and capture them in a little more detail, well almost.

I parked and my vantage point was already taken by a guy with more gear than I had ever seen before, it was ridiculous, I felt wholly inadequate with my trusty wee canon. The sun was fading fast, I decided to run round onto the riverside walk way as I did I passed a couple of police officers who thought that a guy running camera in hand was suspicious enough to warrant a foot chase and a chat.... I was not a happy snapper as I clarified that I was who and what I claimed to be the light slipped away and I was left with nothing like the shot I envisaged.

I hope you enjoy the river, the colours and textures of the clouds still make the shot even if the best of the light had faded and hopefully tomorrow my blipping excursion will be uneventful, enjoy in large

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