A Sawyer and his Saw

This is one of the three figures who make up the Lumberman's Monument near Oscoda, Michigan. I've posted the entire statue more than once.

In our technically advanced world...it's hard to imagine that things had to be done by hand. One or two guys to cut down the tree...others to drag it to the water...still others to guide them down the river...finally making it to the mills. A dangerous job...with many lives lost.

We got home about 8 p.m...tired, and road weary. It's going on 11:30 now. Off to bed.

If you're interested... 2 back blips here.
A lighthouse taken on FRIDAY....and...and...MY FIRST LOONS!!!...taken on SATURDAY. Exciting.

Here's a blip of the entire STATUE...with my son Jeff posing in front of it.

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