
By anniehuang

Crazy Saturday

This black picture describes how I felt after 2 glasses of Pilsener, half a bottle of Club, and various sips of this Cola& rum mix and vodka o_o

(For my new friends& readers of my blog who don't know me as well, I am not a fan of drinking and unlike most of college students I don't really like partying all that much)

^ The amount of alcohol I was persuaded to drink today is 10 times more than the amount i've consumed the entire 19 years i've spent on this planet!

Today, I went with my friend Caitlin and her host brother (who is also my host cousin) Jonathan to a BBQ! BBQs in Ecuador are way different--- there isnt a bbq grill like in the States but a fire pit with a brick wall surrounding all four sides and rectangular black iron rods that are laid across the brick wall forming a grid! The carbon smoke collects on the meat making it taste so good :DDD

The BBQ was held in a the same high class luxurious neighborhood I live in here in Quito, as seen by Daniel (my new ecuadorian friend)'s house! Gold paneling inside the house and fancy pretty granite arches all around the house, so pretty :D

Daniel looks completely white-- blue eyes, pale skin and light golden-brown hair! His parents are from Spain so that explains why he doesn't look Ecuadorian at all! The typical Ecuadorian here has dark skin, dark brown eyes and black hair :)

We ate very delicious thin sliced bbq beef& marinated chicken & chicharrones (fried pork skin) and avocado salad! Absolutely delicious!

I then went home, took a nap, ate dinner with my family then went out to a nightclub with the same people at the barbeque. I ended up drinking at the bar in the nightclub instead of dancing because there were tons of sleazy guys who kept grinding on my ass whenever i was on the dancefloor. And i wasnt even wearing anything provocative, just a tanktop and skinny jeans and flats! i guess it's cuz, despite how tan i got this summer, i'm still paler than most Ecuadorians and stand out cuz i'm considered really tall here?

No idea, but yeah I came home in a taxi with Jonathan and Caitlin at 3 in the morning then passed out on my bed and woke up at 1 in the afternoon on Sunday xD

Lesson Learned: Nightclubs are not fun when you already have a boyfriend and when you're with a group of friends you met only hours before! O_O

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