
By spannarama

Sunday stroll

Another day of being fairly effective - but also pretty relaxed. Finally got all our wedding photos up online to share with family and friends. I also printed a few to send to people as thank-yous for gifts they sent us.

Popped into Lewisham for a couple of hours - I only wanted to go and try on some boots in Clarks, but got dsitracted by clothes shops and bought a few new tops. In the end, they didn't have the boots I wanted in that branch of Clarks, so I came home and ordered them online instead.

This afternoon Tim and I went for a nice walk over to Greenwich Park. Tim's toe's still a bit painful (and he's still wearing his shoes with a hole cut out of them!), so we didn't go too far within the park. I love the big skies over Blackheath, and I snapped this shot of the crepuscular rays (big word!) on the way back home.

This evening Tim cooked us a delicious dinner of meatballs and spaghetti. So full but so happy! :) Also watched the Danny Boyle film, Sunshine, which frankly disturbed me!

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