
By mollymay49


This topic needed some thought, hope or hopeful? It triggered many things going on in my mind at the moment.
I am drawn everyday into blipfoto to see some awesome photography, then i inevitably are drawn into reading their stories, some sad, some happy, some hopeful, optimistic even, whether its about their families lives, illness they are going through or their work or just day to day life....

Which leads me to my friend for over thirty years who flew from Australia last Thursday to her home town of Treorchy in the Rhondda Valley, South Wales, to support her sister who's daughter is gravely ill, who is so young with a young Daughter of her own who has just recently been forced into making provisions for when she is no longer here, decisions no 35 year old should have to make, my last words to my dearest friend before she left was "plan for the worst, but hope for the best" no real words to give her the strength to be able to leave and come back to her own life and family & friends here in Australia.

She is on my mind constantly at the moment, and this topic triggered the thought of hope or hoping that one day a cure will be found for this horrendous disease that breaks families apart, and takes loved ones mercilessly.
I thought this photograph seemed to portray some hope, the strength it has to rush down the hillside, the noise it makes almost shouting "hey I'm here!" Somehow while walking here i felt hopeful that my friend will find the strength because life must go on, just like the falls we hope it goes on until there is no where else to go but home.....

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