Too much time on your hands?

Those worthy long time subscribers to this most humble of journals, will I'm sure remember single-egg-omlette-pan-man.
Well now meet his arch nemesis, and evil genius, Sieve Face! (yes it's always got to be shouted).

We have this sieve in our kitchen which is used a lot but hardly ever as a sieve. Until today when I made a cake, well a squash loaf, which is delicious, thanks for asking.
And I actually sieved the flour and spices like wot the recipe says to.
First time for everything.
And it struck me that this poor sieve is so often degraded to the lowly status of common strainer. So thought I'd degrade it a lot little more by using it as a pointless blip prop cos I haven't posted much for a few days, have a day off and time to kill, and frankly single-egg-omlette-pan-man is pissing me off by becoming way too smug, and so needs an evil arch nemesis.
I like the idea of kitchen utensil themed super heroes and villains. Hmmm...think...think...think...

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